Sen Larry Robinson Honored with Governors’ Legacy of Leadership Award
The Third Annual Governors’ Dinner took place on Thursday, May 28 where they honored Senator Larry Robinson with this year’s Governors’ Legacy of Leadership Award! Joining Senator Robinson was Senator Heitkamp and Mayor Pete Buttigieg!
Larry has served in the North Dakota State Senate in District 24 (Valley City) for over 30 years, having first been elected in 1988. He received a B.S. degree in Education from VCSU and an M.S. in Educational Administration from NDSU.
Here’s what Larry had to say about his service: “I am in my 45th year at Valley City State University. I am the Executive Director of the VCSU Foundation. Prior to that I was the high school principal at Warwick, N.D. My wife, Mary Lee and I, have been married for 48 years. She is a retired public school teacher. We have two grown sons, Jamie and Travis. We lost Travis to a tree accident two years ago. We miss him dearly. He was such a big part of our lives. We have three grand sons, Alex, Max, and Jax. We are members of St. Catherine’s Catholic church here in Valley City. I am the senior member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and a member of the Drug Court Advisory Committee. My interim assignments include the Budget Section; Water Topics; Higher Education Formula Committee; Higher Education Funding Committee; and Information Technology.”
Larry is incredibly active in his community, and leads by example. He has served as President of the Valley City Area Chamber of Commerce, on the Governor’s Alcohol and Drug Prevention Advisory Task Force, and on the Legislative Council from 1991-2014. He’s a member of the Elks, the Eagles, the Knights of Columbus, Kiwanis, the Barnes County Wildlife Federation, the VCSU V-500, the VCSU Booster Club, and St. Catherine’s Catholic Church. These positions are more than just lines on a resume for Larry. He lives and breathes public service and always puts the needs of others above his own.
Larry has served the party and the state selflessly for many years, and his dedication to the betterment of North Dakota has not gone unnoticed. While we are excited to honor Larry with this award, he also needs your help in his 2020 reelection campaign. Please consider sending a donation to Larry’s campaign to make sure we continue to have his voice representing us in the capitol.
The North Dakota Democratic-NPL was so excited to present Larry with the Governors’ Legacy of Leadership Award and we hope you too will thank him for his many years of service to North Dakota and the Democratic-NPL Party!

*Story adapted from letter originally released by Kylie Oversen, Chairwoman, ND Dem-NPL