Bradley Edin to run as Dem-NPL Candidate for State Representative in District 24
Bradley Edin is a life-long resident of North Dakota, and has lived in District 24 for the past 23 years. He retired in 2019 after serving 35 years as a Lutheran pastor, most recently (since 1997) as pastor of the Kathryn and Nome-Fingal Lutheran parishes. He lives on the family farm (which celebrates its one-hundredth anniversary this year), where he maintains a small sheep enterprise.

From Edin:
I come to this campaign with no agenda, except a conviction that government is a good thing, and that we accomplish together many things no one can do alone. Good roads, excellent schools, police and fire protection, human services—we all expect and depend on such things, but none of them happens by accident. They happen because we work together.
A good representative is someone who listens, is available, is transparent, and is committed to the hardwork of understanding the needs of our district and state, and helping fashion ways to meet these needs. A good representative is also a person of integrity and good judgment. I commit myself to being this kind of legislator.
Infrastructure, water, the environment, property taxes, corrections, human services are big concerns for North Dakota, b ut they are abstractions. What they point to are roads and bridges, drinking water and flood control, clean air and abundant wildlife, fair and adequate taxation, law enforcement and prisons, but above all to human beings. Our neighbors. Each other. The people who make this state such a great place to live.
I want to have a part in serving this state which we love, and which has always been my home, as a member of the next legislative assembly. I ask for your support in my campaign for the state House of Representatives in the primary and in the general election this fall.
Bradley Edin