Dear District 24 Democratic-NPLers:
Saturday, March 24, our district organization is hosting a Legislative Forum at headquarters in Valley City from 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Dem-NPL Representatives Josh Boschee (House minority leader) and Karla Rose Hanson will both be with us to share their perspectives on the work of the current Legislative session.
We are publicizing this on social media and radio, inviting all voters—Democrats, independents, Republicans, and everyone else—to attend. I think it will be an excellent opportunity for us Democrats to show that there is an alternative to the Republican hegemony in Bismarck. You all know as well as I what an embarrassment and shame our current Legislature is; likewise the Legislative delegation from District 24. This is true not only with respect to what are euphemistically called “social issues” but are really human-rights issues, but in the way the Republican majority caves to the oil interests and corporate farming proponents, and panders to enemies of public education and opponents of rational tax policy.
I see this forum as the beginning of the 2024 Legislative campaign in District 24.
Please make every effort to come and participate! Talk to your friends and neighbors. All the publicity in the world will do little good unless you and I promote this event ourselves.
Thanks for reading this and for all you do, as we continue fighting this good fight for the people of our district and state.
Very truly yours,
Bradley Edin, District 24 chair

- This event has passed.